AMLSN President Prof. James Damen inaugural Speech

Prof James G. Damen, AMLSN 14th National President 


Dear colleagues, it is indeed a historic and great day in my life and in the life of our dear association (AMLSN) today. I am indeed short of words and filled with deep emotions on the overwhelming support you gave to my candidacy from the moment I declared to this period where you have given me the mandate to serve you all as the 14th National President of AMLSN.

I want to firstly appreciate the Almighty God for making this dream come to reality, I thank ANEC for doing a good work that ensured we have this transition, my gratitude also goes to the past NEOs and all former NEOs who have served this association since its inception for the great sacrifice they have done so far; the BOT and elders of our profession for the fatherly role they have played so far, the Association of Female MLS; Great BIA!!, the YMLSF for their orderly conduct even in the face of provocations, all members of my campaign team for their tireless efforts and decorum all through the campaign period, and most importantly to my dear wife Peret (a MLS) and my entire family for the understanding and support all through this demanding period. I am very grateful to you all and to every MLS.

My victory today is coming at an auspicious time when our line and bond of unity is fragile and so loose for any infiltrator to strike, I am well aware of the various issues prior to the elections and within the last few years and we shall immediately swing into action to address these concerns and keep this lovely AMLSN family that has made us all what we are today united and even more stronger. 

Let me use this opportunity to plead with everyone who is aggrieved in one way or the other to please sheathe their sword and join me in this move of unity; I shall give listening ears to all concerns and work tirelessly to address them. We cannot achieve anything if we are at war with ourselves. 

May I in the same vein commend my co-aspirants Dr Uche Odionyenma and Dr Casmir Ifeanyi for making the contest an interesting one, we are all winners in the election because AMLSN won. I shall be reaching out personally to you and all other aspirants in the course of my tenure to discuss on some of your ideas and how best we can deploy them; I am hopeful that you all will be our partners in progress for the overall good of the MLS profession.

I cannot conclude without acknowledging that aside our internal issues, there are many external issues that require immediate attention from us (establishment matters, AIMLS-BMLS dichotomy, etc.), we shall confront these issues headlong and will be giving periodic updates to members. We do not claim to know it all; indeed, we can’t; and it is on this note that I am soliciting for the support of members to always reach out to us on possible networks, engagements and suggestions on how best some of these issues could be speedily addressed. We shall be counting on the support of us all to succeed. 

Finally, colleagues, like my campaign slogan states “Greatness in Solidarity”, I shall within my period of service to the association leverage on the strength of the young, elderly, the BIA ladies and indeed everyone to deliver on this mandate. I call on us all to join hands in making the profession great. The association is for everyone of us and I shall always be fair and ensure there is equity in my dealings with all. I thank you all once again for making this victory possible.

I wish everyone safe journey back to our respective destinations.
Thank you and God bless us all

Prof James G. Damen
14th National President