Words associated with COVID-19 you should know

As the world is faced with the new pandemic, many new terms are springing up. Most of them are coined from existing words or long forgotten as they were no longer used. Some of them may sound a little bit complex or seem to mean something similar to another known word. Here, we shall be introduced to most of the words as it relates to covid-19. Most of these terms should be known to both healthcare persons and the general public to understand how well to fight the infection.

Words And Their Meaning

Coronavirus: is a group of viral diseases that affect humans. They have different fatality with similar symptoms and signs. The name Corona means crown which was given to the virus because they look like crown under a microscope

Covid-19: is the name of the disease given by world health organisation (WHO) for the public. Just like acquire immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2): is the scientific name of the virus causing the outbreak. Just like human immune virus (HIV)

Chinese virus: the name of the virus or disease given by individuals like the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump. It is because it was first discovered in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China

Pandemic: a disease affecting many countries

Outbreak: a sudden rise in the number of infection in cases within a short period of time

Epidemic: sudden rise of an infection around an area larger than an outbreak

Endemic: an infection affecting an area for a long time persistently

Patient zero/index case: this is the first confirmed case in a location

Close contact: those who came in contact with a confirmed case prior to when the confirmed case was diagnosed and was within a distance of 6 feet or 2 meter with the infected person

Confirmed cases: the number of those that have tested positive to covid-19

Recovered cases: the number of people who once tested positive for the disease and later tested negative within 48 hours two times

Tested: the number of those who have been subjected to covid-19 test

False negative: a covid-19 test that came out negative and a repeat after some days showed positive. This can be due to low viral load at the first time, viral mutation, error in sample collection or process

Death: number of people who tested positive and have died during an active infection

Mortality: is the ratio between the number of covid-19 confirmed cases and confirm death

Death per million: is the number of death from the disease in a given population of one million

Total number of cases: this is a combination of tested cases and an estimation of untested cases that may actually be positive but have not be confirmed due to lack of testing

Infection fatality rate: is gotten when the total number of death from covid-19 is divided by the total number of cases

Daily new confirmed cases: the number of new cases daily

Currently infected/active cases: this is the number of confirmed cases that are currently on isolation or receiving treatment

Mild condition: the number of cases without severe symptoms requiring medical care

Serious or critical condition: number of cases that require medical attention in an isolation center

Case fatality rate: this is comparing the number of confirmed cases with the number of confirmed deaths. It is calculated by the number of confirmed death divided by the number of confirmed cases

Crude mortality rate: is the measure of probability that a certain number of persons will die in a population using the number of confirmed deaths and population. It is calculated by number of confirmed death divided by the population

Lockdown/shutdown: restriction of movement and gathering in a place by the government to varying degrees. Some include lockdown of schools, parties, religious activities and other social activities that require gathering of large crowds. Extreme cases involve closure of border including airports

Social distance: since the covid-19 can be contracted through droplets (no evidence yet to confirm it could be contracted through aerosol), it is recommended that everybody keeps a distance from each other. The physical distance should be 2 meter or 6 feet

Quarantine: this is the restriction of movement of a suspected case because the person came in contact with an infected person or is coming from a high risk place. The person is quarantine in a government room or at home for a period of 14 days

Isolation: is to separate a confirmed case from others for 14 days. This could be in the home or in an isolation center. Isolation at home is called self isolation

Self monitor: the individual is expected to monitor personal temperature and other covid-19 symptoms daily after having contact with a confirmed case for 14 days

Stay at home/shelter in place: an order restricting movement from the house except those providing essential services like community pharmacy or those who wants to get these

Asymptomatic carrier: is a confirmed case of covid-19 with no signs and symptoms but can infect others

Incubatory carrier: when a person just got infected and is in the incubation stage capable of infecting other prior to development of symptoms

Incubation: time between getting infected and development of symptoms
PPE: Personal protective equipment include but not limited to anything worn to provide protection from the virus like apron, goggles, facemask, hand gloves

Flattening the curve: a reduction in the number of new confirmed cases over time by taking safety measures

Containment zone: covid-19 hotspot in any area showing high infection rate

Panic buying/stockpiling: an increase in the demand for a particular product by many people. It can also be explain as buying large quantities of essential food and safety gadgets that will otherwise last longer than normally buying pattern by many person.

Source: drugxpert.blogspot. com