Young Medical Lab. Scientists' Forum (YMLSF) public enlightenment on Coronavirus

C oronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory tract infection caused by newly emergent Coronavirus SAR-Cov-2 that first occurred in Wuhan China.

Genetic sequencing of the virus indicates that SAR-CoV-2 is a betacoronavirus closely linked to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus.

Most people affected by COVID-19 develop a mild illness that is closed to that of flu, approximately14% develop severe disease requiring hospitalization and oxygen support with 5% requiring admission to an intensive care unit ( China CDC 2020).

In severe cases, COVID 19 can be complicated by acute respiratory disease syndrome(ARDS), sepsis and septic shock, multiorgan failure. Immunocompromised individuals and old and children constitute a higher risk factor for death (WHO 2020).

Safety and Preventive Measures

  1. Wash your hands frequently
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose 
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze
  4. Practice social distancing
  5. Stay at home if you feel unwell even with slight fever and cough
  6. If you have a fever, seek medical care early by contacting your state epidemiology/ NCDC 
  7. Fear is the most dangerous weapon of the enemy; this is no time to be afraid but to help ourselves and health care workers to fight back against this our common enemy

Myths of COVID-19

1. Chloroquine cures COVID-19: This is false, and chloroquine is still undergoing clinical trials, it may relieve the effect for someone with the disease but taking it wouldn't immune you from the disease and should not be taken if you don't have COVID 19 or not recommended by your clinician.

2. Taking antibiotics will prevent COVID-19: Antibiotics are for bacteria infections, COVID 19 is a viral infection and as such antibiotics wouldn't work on COVID 19 both as prophylaxis or for treatment.

3. The virus is only for the old and children: That is not true, anybody can contract the infection. Practice good personal and environmental hygiene to reduce your risk of contracting it.

Courtesy of YMLSF National