Medical Lab. Volunteers Needed To Help Contain Ebola Outbreak in DRC [Apply now]

As of 18 May 2018, the current Ebola virus disease outbreak in the in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has resulted in 45 cases and 25 deaths, with as many as 4 cases detected in an urban area. Given the apparent spread of the outbreak to a city with a population of over 1 million people and its multiple transportation routes, the World Health Organization considers the risk to public health to be ‘very high’ in DRC and ‘high’ within the immediate region, including surrounding countries.

In response to the potential need for laboratory professionals on the ground to support efforts to contain the outbreak, the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) has issued a general call for laboratory professionals that would be ready to be deployed to DRC as needed. Interested individuals should respond by following the link below and uploading a resume or CV.

Join the effort and provide your laboratory expertise

For resources on Ebola virus disease, please visit ASLM’s Resource Centre webpage on Ebola:

For inquires, please contact Visit for submission of CV.